James: Christianity in Real Shoe Leather
Dr. Joel C. Gregory
Session #2

III. Warning Against Partiality (2:1-13)
A. Everybody is Somebody (2:1-5)
1. Partiality
2. Have a seat, please (2:2-3)
3. The Judges judged (2:4)
4. God’s poor people (2:5)
B. Honor for the dishonorable? (2:6-7)
C. All or Nothing (2:8-13)
1. The King of Laws: the Law of the King (2:8)
2. God’s Law: Handle with Care (2:9-11)
3. Here Comes the Judge (2:12-13)

IV. A Faith that Works (2:14-26)
A. The Critical Concern (2:14)
1. James and Paul: Friends, not Foes
B. A Concrete Case (2:15-17)
C. A Crucial Correction (2:18)
D. A Confused Confession (2:19-20)
E. Confirming Case Studies (2:21-25)
1. A Godly Patriarch (2:21-24)
2. A Godless Prostitute (2:25)
F. A Climactic Conclusion (2:26)